
Hey, welcome to my website!

I'm Tommy DeNardo - artist, designer, and photographer. Born and raised in central Indiana, I spent much of my childhood exploring the woods and immersing myself in the limits of my imagination through art. I was often left to my own devices where I could wander both internally and externally. My upbringing cultivated in me a fondness for the the natural world and the worlds of my own creation.

Through these experiences, I believe my work has come to be defined by three primary qualities: curiosity, exploration, and attention to detail.

If you would like to work with me, my commissions are currently open. Reach out via email or by visiting the contact page.


Indiana University, Bloomington

School of Art, Architecture, and Design

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design with High Distinction

School of Informatics and Computing

Certificate in Informatics with High Distinction

College of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with High Distinction


Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) / Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)


